Ridgeview Men

Men's Discipleship

Our Discipleship Mission: Faith, Family, Brotherhood, Community. The approach of our men’s ministry aligns with the mission of Ridgeview Church to Win, Disciple, Send. We approach the spiritual development of men from the root to the fruit. If the root is weak, the tree will not withstand any storm. If the tree is good, the fruit will be good. We believe men need to be discipled by other men in all areas of faith and relationship strongly. Our success in all other areas of our lives is dependent on the health of our roots of faith. We focus here first in areas of Baptism & Relationship, Identity, Knowledge of the Word of God, Mercy, Reconciliation, Humility, Prayer, Worship, Personal Study, Understanding the Battleground of the Mind, Love & Selflessness, Repentance, Hearing God, Alone Time with God and Intimacy. Next, we pursue discipling in the trunk of the tree, the area of Family. This involves Leadership at Home, The Role of the Provider, Spiritual Leadership, Loving a Wife/Marriage, Discipling Children and Coping with Divorce. Third we disciple in areas of the Brotherhood, which includes Accountability, Hospitality, Support, Discipling, Helps, Comradery, Friendship and Brotherly Love. These represent the branches of our tree. Lastly, we focus on the fruits of our tree, food for our communities. This includes Leadership at Work, Evangelism, Prayer with Unbelievers, Healing & Ministering, Caring for the Body, Leadership within the Body, Civic Leadership, Community Outreach and Missions.

Contact Us

If you are new to Ridgeview and/or would like to become involved with Ridgeview Men’s Ministry events, please reach out and connect. We welcome you! Please fill out the form below for more information and to be added to our regular communications.