Week of May 15 - God Provided for Hannah

When was the last time you prayed fervently to God? What did you need? Did He answer in a way you expected?

When Hannah wanted a baby, she cried out to God with great earnestness so much that the priest Eli thought she was drunk. Hannah had confidence that God heard her prayer. She understood that one of the evidences of the understanding and the belief that God hears and answers prayer is persistence in prayer.

Hannah prayed with a passion and bitterness of heart that looked to God at first and fixed her gaze upon the Lord only. She didn't even notice Eli watching her. She believed that God heard and God acted as a result of our small prayers. She prayed with passion because she believed God heard her.
But what if our prayers seem not to be heard? Hannah is a great example for us of what C. H. Spurgeon observed about prayer in his book Illustrations and Meditations: "Frequently the richest answers are not the speediest … A prayer may be all the longer on its voyage because it is bringing us a heavier freight of blessing. Delayed answers are not only trials of faith, but they give us an opportunity of honoring God by our steadfast confidence in Him under apparent repulses.”

Finally, Hannah's persistence in prayer showed that she understood she could not fix her situation but the all-powerful God who hears and acts could. The next year, Hannah came with a baby in her arms. A baby she named Samuel, which means “God heard.” Samuel’s life was a constant reminder to Hannah and all of Israel that God lives, hears, and acts.

As you prepare to minister to your children this week, remember that even prayers that seem to be delayed are meant to strengthen our resolve to pray and to honor God with a confidence that can't be shaken. We serve a God who hears us, and because He hears us, no prayer is too small or too big that we can't bring Him.

This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.

  • Babies & Toddlers: Jesus showed the world what God is like.
  • Preschool: Samuel told people what God is like and what He would do. Jesus, the Son of God, told people about God’s plan and showed the world what God is like.
  • Kindergarten: Samuel told people what God is like and what He would do. Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth as a human. He told people about God’s plan and showed the world what God is like.
  • Kids: Hannah trusted God and sent Samuel away from home to serve God with his whole life. God sent Jesus from heaven to earth to be our Savior. Just as Samuel used God’s words to tell people about God, Jesus—the Word who became flesh—perfectly shows us what God is like.

This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit.

  • Preschool: What is the punishment for sin? The punishment for sin is separation from God.
  • Kindergarten: What is the punishment for sin? The punishment for sin is death.
  • Kids: What is the fair payment for sin? The fair payment for sin is death.

This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit.

  • Babies & Toddlers: God gives life forever. — Romans 6:23
  • Preschool: God gives life forever. — Romans 6:23
  • Kindergarten: The payment for sin is death. But God gives us the free gift of life forever in Christ Jesus our Lord. — Romans 6:23
  • Kids: The payment for sin is death. But God gives us the free gift of life forever in Christ Jesus our Lord. — Romans 6:23
Praise God for His attributes we see in the story of Hannah and Samuel: His love, patience, and provision. How did God show love to Hannah? How did He provide for Hannah? How have you seen these same attributes of God in your life?
Ask God to give you faith like Hannah’s when you pray to Him. Ask Him to help you trust in His ability to hear your prayer and respond to them. Why do you think Hannah trusted God when she prayed? Why can you trust God when you pray?
Have a diaper changing contest with the family. Use baby dolls or watermelons as the “baby” and see who can remove and replace a diaper the fastest. Talk about Hannah’s trust in God to answer her prayer and her devotion to give her son back to God for His use. Ask kids to think about why Hannah trusted God so much and how we can grow in our trust of Him.
Deliver a meal, gift, or offer babysitting for a young mom in your church. Talk with kids about Hannah’s prayer and how God provided a son for her. Explain to kids how God used Samuel, Hannah’s son, to anoint David as God’s chosen king over Israel and ancestor of Jesus—the King of kings.
The Gospel Project is a weekly Bible study that helps kids dive deep into the big story of the Bible—God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ. Your child can access free Gospel Project learning games and activities in the LifeWay Kids app reader available in the iTunes or Google Play stores.