Week of February 13 - Moses Disobeyed God

All of us categorize sins, whether we intend to or not. There are the major sins—the really bad ones like murder that are clearly wrong. Thankfully, few of us are prone to commit these sins, so we are pretty safe from them.

Then there are the significant sins, like acting out of anger or lying. We know these are harmful, but we don’t see them on the same level as the major ones. These are the sins that trip us up. If it weren’t for these sins, we would be such good people.
Then there are the little sins, like jaywalking or taking some paper clips from work. We know these are wrong, but they are so innocent and do so little harm that we tend to excuse them. In fact, we often live as if these sins are not really sins—they don’t feel wrong to us.

Sound familiar? There’s a big problem with this though. While sins might have different consequences, the Bible teaches that all sins are serious because they are rebellion against a holy God. If all we ever did was jaywalk, God would be just to pour out His wrath on us.
If we approach Numbers 20 with a flawed categorization of sin, we will likely walk away from this passage confused. What did Moses do that was so wrong? All he did was hit a rock instead of speaking what God said, right? And for that, God would not allow Moses to enter the promised land. After all that Moses had been through, this was how his story would end?

But we must remember that all sin is rebellion against God and is therefore serious. Moses’ rebellion here is quite serious. Notice what Moses, with Aaron standing next to him, said just before striking the rock: “Must we bring water out of this rock for you?” Who was Moses crediting for the miracle that would transpire? Surely not God.

That water flowed from the rock even in Moses’ disobedience shows once more that God is a God of mercy and grace. But there is another way we see God’s mercy and grace in this account, only we need to turn to the Gospels to see it. God graciously allowed Moses to enter the land long after this generation had died off. At the Transfiguration (Matt. 17), Moses stood in the land—along with Elijah—and Jesus, the One who had come to provide living water to God’s people.

This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.

  • Younger Preschool: Moses disobeyed God, so he could not go into the promised land. God sent Jesus, who always obeyed God. When we trust in Jesus, He brings us into God’s kingdom forever.
  • Older Preschool: Moses disobeyed God and did not enter the promised land. We disobey God when we sin. But God sent Jesus, who always obeyed God. When we trust in Jesus, He brings us into God’s kingdom forever.
  • Kids: Moses disobeyed God and did not enter the promised land. We all have disobeyed God by sinning. But God gave us His Son, Jesus. Jesus always obeyed God. When we trust in Him, Jesus brings us into God’s kingdom forever.

This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit.

  • Younger Preschool: What is God like? There is no one like God. He is perfect, good, and loving.
  • Older Preschool: What is God like? God is holy, good, and loving.
  • Kids: What is God like? God is holy, good, and loving.

This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit.

  • Younger Preschool: We praise the one true God. He does wonderful things. — Exodus 15:11
  • Older Preschool: Are there any gods like you, Lord? No! There are no gods like you. You are wonderfully holy. You are amazingly powerful. You do great miracles. — Exodus 15:11
  • Kids: Are there any gods like you, Lord? No! There are no gods like you. You are wonderfully holy. You are amazingly powerful. You do great miracles. — Exodus 15:11
Ask God to help you worship Him through obedience today. Why does our obedience give God the glory He deserves?

Thank God for parents, teachers, and pastors who pray for you. Why did Moses and Aaron go to the tabernacle to ask God for help? How does it feel to know that others are asking God to help you?
Play “Simon Says” with the whole family. Allow each kid in your family to take turns calling out instructions. After the game, talk about how hard it can be to obey instructions. Explain to your kids that all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory. Remind them that this is why we need Jesus—the One who saves us from our sins.
Set up a lemonade or hot chocolate stand in your neighborhood to serve free drinks. Take the opportunity to meet your neighbors and get to know them better. If given the opportunity, tell them about this week’s Bible story and how God provided water for the people to drink. 
Supplies: lemonade or hot chocolate, cups
The Gospel Project is a weekly Bible study that helps kids dive deep into the big story of the Bible—God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ. Your child can access free Gospel Project learning games and activities in the LifeWay Kids app reader available in the iTunes or Google Play stores.