Week of November 21 - God Had a Plan for Joseph

The story of Joseph is packed full of moments that resonate with us. Maybe you were the favorite child or the favorite child’s sibling. Some people resonate with being cast away from family or being undeservingly welcomed into a new family. Some resonate with finding favor with an enemy or showing favor to an enemy. In Joseph’s story, we can see ourselves and our need for Jesus in so many ways.

On at least four occasions in Joseph’s journey, others gave him tremendous blessings. Though Joseph lost some of these earthly treasures, he remained faithful to the Lord. We normally focus on Joseph’s adversity, but we can’t miss that both the lows and highs of Joseph’s life were also marked by God’s blessing through others.

First, Joseph’s father blessed him with a beautiful multi-colored robe as a representation of his favored status. This tangible symbol was taken from him when his brothers sold him into slavery. Yet Joseph remained faithful.
Next, Potiphar blessed Joseph by making him overseer of his entire household. The role lent itself to all the tangible and monetary things anyone could want. But when Joseph fled from the advance of Potiphar’s wife, it was all taken from him. Yet Joseph remained faithful.

Third, the prison warden blessed Joseph by making him overseer over the entire prison. Finally, Pharaoh blessed Joseph by placing him as second in command over all of Egypt, putting Joseph in a position to save his family from famine.

Joseph refused to let the evil actions of others steal his faith. When he had the chance to take away from others who had taken from him, Joseph showed generosity instead.

We experience various common grace blessings from the Lord every day. These blessings can tempt us to worship the gift rather than the Giver. Like Joseph, we must remain steadfast under trial and faithful to the Lord. In famine and in plenty, blessed be the name of the Lord. He is good and in control.

This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.

  • Younger Preschool: Joseph's brothers hurt Joseph. One day, people would hurt God's Son, Jesus. God's good plan was to use Jesus' death to save His people from sin.
  • Older Preschool: Joseph's brothers hurt Joseph, but God had a good plan. God used Joseph's hurt to save His people from hunger. One day, people would hurt God's Son, Jesus. God's good plan was to use Jesus' death to save His people from sin.
  • Kids: God had a plan for Joseph’s life. He allowed Joseph to suffer in order to rescue a whole nation. God planned for Jesus to suffer so that many—people from all nations—would be saved.

This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit.

  • Younger Preschool: Who makes everything happen? God makes everything happen.
  • Older Preschool: Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything.
  • Kids: Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything in heaven and on earth. Nothing is outside of God’s good plan.

This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit.

  • Younger Preschool: The Lord is great. — Psalm 135:5
  • Older Preschool: The LORD does whatever he pleases in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all the depths. — Psalm 135:6
  • Kids: I know that the LORD is great; our Lord is greater than all gods. The LORD does whatever he pleases in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all the depths. — Psalm 135:5-6
Ask God to help you trust Him in every situation you face today. How can God’s goodness help us to trust Him even in difficult times?
Ask God to use your life to glorify Him and to help others know Jesus. How does Joseph’s story help us to trust God with the future? How will you remember that God has a plan even when things seem to go wrong?
Bake bread or a similar treat (brownies, cinnamon rolls) together as a family. Give each family member a job like measuring, mixing, kneading, or shaping the dough. Talk about the cupbearer and baker that Joseph met in prison. Discuss how God used them in His plan. Then, discuss how God might use your family to help others know Jesus and believe in Him. Enjoy the bread or treat you have made as the happy ending of your hard work.
Supples: bread mix or other ingredients

Gather food to donate to a food pantry or make a monetary donation to a food bank. As you plan or organize your donations, talk about what it would be like not to have enough food. Discuss the emotions or fears Joseph’s brothers were likely facing. Help your kids see that God used their hunger to bring them to Egypt, which ultimately led to their salvation from the famine. Talk with your kids about how your family can provide for others’ needs as a way to help them feel the love of Jesus and hear more about Him. 
Supplies: collected food items

The Gospel Project is a weekly Bible study that helps kids dive deep into the big story of the Bible—God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ. Your child can access free Gospel Project learning games and activities in the LifeWay Kids app reader available in the iTunes or Google Play stores.