Week of November 7 - God Provided Isaac

It’s been said that when a word or phrase is repeated in the Bible, we ought to pay close attention. In Genesis 22, Abraham repeated one phrase three times: “Here I am.”

Abraham first used “Here I am” on his journey when God called his name. Abraham’s eager response to God shows that he was ready and expectant to hear from God.

Abraham then used this phrase in response to his son, Isaac. On the journey to the place of sacrifice, Isaac called out to his father and Abraham responded, “Here I am.” Even though Abraham was surely wrestling with what God had commanded him to do, he was eager to hear from his son and help him understand what God was doing.

Third, Abraham responded to the angel of the Lord: “Here I am.” The angel called Abraham’s name twice as he was about to sacrifice his son in obedience to God. Even in a tense and emotional moment, Abraham was sensitive to the Lord and eager to hear from him.
Abraham’s use of this phrase clearly shows his open-handed readiness to serve. Abraham responded to the Lord, to his son, and to the angel from his humble heart and willing spirit. Instead of shutting down and stopping his ears to God because of the incredibly challenging task God had put before him, Abraham remained steadfast in His openness to the Lord.

God desires that we always be ready for however He may intend to use us for His glory and our good. It may be as we drive along in the car, as we hurry through a long list of tasks at work, or in the stillness of a quiet moment with the Lord early in the morning. It also may come in the intensity of grieving the loss of a loved one, navigating conflict in the body of Christ, or as we gather with others to worship. Whenever we sense the leading of the Spirit of God, may we take a posture similar to Abraham, always willingly to say, “Here I am.”

This is the big idea of how this week’s Bible story points to Jesus.

  • Younger Preschool: Abraham loved God. He was willing to give up his son Isaac, but God provided a ram. God loves us. He gave His Son, Jesus, to save the world from sin.
  • Older Preschool: Abraham loved God. He was willing to give up his son Isaac, but God provided a ram so Isaac could live. God was willing to give up His Son, Jesus, to save the world from sin. Jesus offered His life as a sacrifice for our sin so we can live.
  • Kids: Abraham showed his love for God by being willing to sacrifice his son Isaac. God provided a ram instead. This is how God showed His love for us: He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross so that we could have eternal life through Him.

This is an important biblical truth that your child will encounter each week of this unit.

  • Younger Preschool: Who makes everything happen? God makes everything happen.
  • Older Preschool: Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything.
  • Kids: Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything in heaven and on earth. Nothing is outside of God’s good plan.

This is a Bible verse that relates to what your child will encounter each week of this unit.

  • Younger Preschool: The Lord is great. — Psalm 135:5
  • Older Preschool: The LORD does whatever he pleases in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all the depths. — Psalm 135:6
  • Kids: I know that the LORD is great; our Lord is greater than all gods. The LORD does whatever he pleases in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all the depths. — Psalm 135:5-6
Ask God to help you obey Him and those He has put in charge over you. How should God’s love motivate you to obey? How does obedience show your love for God and others?
Pray for help and wisdom to know how God is calling you to share Jesus with others. Who is God leading you to share Jesus with this week? Are you willing to say “yes” when God calls?
Take your family on a hike. As you hike, take the time to talk about the story of Abraham and Isaac. Ask your kids to describe what they might have felt if they were Abraham or Isaac. How did Abraham trust God in such a difficult situation? Take a moment to thank Jesus for His sacrifice and His willingness to die in your place.
Make a list of people who need to hear about Jesus. Talk about when and how you can share the message of Jesus with those individuals. Even though it may be awkward or scary, plan at least one way you can share the gospel this week with a person on the list. 
The Gospel Project is a weekly Bible study that helps kids dive deep into the big story of the Bible—God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ. Your child can access free Gospel Project learning games and activities in the LifeWay Kids app reader available in the iTunes or Google Play stores.